a new project by Giovanni Verrando and mdi ensemble

for voice, 5 performers & video
commissioned by mdi ensemble

“ […] les humains sont plutôt des prolongements d’un environnement, d’un milieu de vie, ou des membres d’un collectif plus large englobant des non-humains, plutôt que des forces qui s’approprient des territoires”

Philippe Descola

The general project

Camera Music is a collection of eight pieces, for male voice, five musicians and different forms of video.

It is divided into two chapters that can be performed independently, and it revolves around a central theme: the human beings’ grotesque desire for power over the environment around them, and it concerns the anthropologist Philippe Descola’s denial of a dichotomy between nature and culture.

The first chapter develops, in general terms, the topics introduced by Descola and the theme of power, sometimes treating them ironically, other times inevitably in a more painful manner.

The second chapter stages the same topic – the relationship between human beings and the environment – but observes it through four characteristics of Hyperobjects described by Timothy Morton: viscosity, nonlocality, temporal undulation, and phasing.

Still in the oven: Camera Music #4, #5, #6, #7 & #8


male voice
electric guitar
midi keyboard
electric violin
electric viola
electric cello

technical rider:
1 microphone for the voice
6 in-ear monitors
1 Macintosh with Max/MSP
1 Macintosh with Qlab (or similar)
2 loudspeakers (ordinary stereo)
1 horizontal led screen; the original video is 1920×1080
(ex.: an 85” screen is suitable for a small concert hall, around 100 seats)

50′(divided in two chapters)

a few frame

Project referent: Paolo Fumagalli, mdi ensemble
+39 3471364439